Spiritual Mind Treatment
Spiritual Mind Treatment is a service of our healing ministry
You may request a Spiritual Mind Treatment by our Practitioners by sending an e-mail to info@cslli.org or by calling 516-822-9314.
What is a Spiritual Mind Treatment (Affirmative Prayer)?
“Treatment is the art, the act, and the science of consciously inducing thought within the Universal Subjectivity, for the purpose of demonstrating that we are surrounded by a Creative Medium which responds to us through the Law of Correspondence. In its simpler meaning, treatment is the time, process and method necessary to the changing of our thought. Treatment is clearing the thought of negation, of doubt and fear, and causing it to perceive the ever-presence of God.” ~ Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind
What is a Religious Science Practitioner
A Religious Science Practitioner is a person of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding:
Trained in the art, science and skill of Spiritual Mind Treatment through the study of the Science of Mind
One dedicated to the healing ministry of this Center
Licensed to practice professionally
Bound by a high code of ethics
Maintaining confidentiality at all times
Must I be present for Treatment to Work?
No. Treatments are just as effective if your Practitioner is in your presence, on the telephone, or around the other side of the world. Treatments not given in your presence are called “absent treatments.” There is only one Mind, and that Mind is everywhere present. It is into this Mind that treatments are given.
Can I treat myself?
Most certainly. The following words are a simple treatment that will raise your consciousness and your level of acceptance.
There is One Universal Life, and I am unified with It. I declare that within this Divine Life is contained all that I need for a healthy, happy, prosperous life. I accept this good gladly, turning away from any appearance to the contrary. I give thanks for the consciousness to accept my highest good completely and instantly now. With gratitude, I release this treatment into the Law. And so, it is.
Do I need a Practitioner?
Ask yourself: Am I too close to my own problem to see the situation clearly? Do I feel that something is blocking that which I am seeking? Do I feel that I lack the experience with, the training in, or that understanding of the Science of Mind principles necessary to resolve the difficulty?
How do I cooperate with my Practitioner?
Have faith in the Universal Intelligence that exists everywhere. It does work.
Release your problem. Do not dwell on it nor discuss it with friends. If it comes to mind, or crops up in conversations, dismiss it with a simple positive statement such as, “through treatment all things are possible.”
Use the affirmations given to you by your Practitioner. Use them in the early morning, before going to bed, and as often as appropriate in between. Put feeling into them.
Endeavor to keep a positive attitude. Be expectant, accepting every good thing as part of your demonstration.
Be grateful. Give thanks for the transformation of your consciousness and the resultant change in your experience.
A Reminder
Make your Practitioner aware of developments, demonstrations and/or any desired follow-up by e-mail or phone call.