Who We Are
“You may be sure of this: there is an integrity to your soul such as you will find nowhere else in the Universe. Here you will meet life; here you will decide; and here you will neutralize the thought patterns of the ages simply by denying them – and saying something greater than that (and I believe in it): ‘There is a Power greater than I am, and I accept it.’ And no matter what the mistakes are, the Universe holds nothing against us ever.” ~ Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind
We are affiliated with Center for Spiritual Living headquartered in Golden Colorado, and encompassing nearly 400 spiritual communities and Centers around the world. We are also a member of the International New Thought Alliance.
Our Center was founded in the 1970s and has been an established presence in the Hicksville community since then.
Everything we do at Center for Spiritual Living Long Island has a fourfold purpose: teaching, healing, inspiration, and connection.
The Science of Mind (also known as Religious Science) was influenced by and grew out of the New Thought Movement. That movement traces back to the Transcendentalists – Thomas Troward, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Mary Baker Eddy, among others.
The basics tenets of oneness with all of Life and God, and the ability to heal through spiritual means, are carried forward by our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, and early 20th Century teachers including H. Emilie Cady, Raymond Charles Barker, and Eric Butterworth. These and other exciting innovative thinkers and teachers laid the foundation for the contemporary teachers we follow today, including Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, and Michael Bernard Beckwith. The list is extensive and growing.
The philosophy and principles we teach and practice are grounded in essential universal truths. New Thought and Science of Mind ideas are increasingly influential and prevalent in the fields of personal and business coaching, self-help and spirituality; we may even say they are approaching “mainstream.” Coming full circle, we now hear these ideas loud and clear in the messages of modern religion.